Developer’s Guide

2. Functions Reference

This part of the documentation has a detailed technical breakdown of all the public methods the CSSUtilities library provides. There's also a reference list of errors you may encounter in data sets or thrown to the console, and a general list of specifications:

  1. Configuration methods
  2. Data methods
  3. Error messages
  4. General specifications

Configuration methods

If you've read through the Setup and Configuration guide then you should already be quite familiar with these configuration methods, which are used for setting-up and initializing the library. This provides a single point of reference you can come back to later and remind yourself of details.

CSSUtilities.define(name, value1 [, value2]);

The define method is used for modifying the library's configuration options, before initialising; it has no return value.

All the options are private variables and can only be modified using this method; for a guide to the available options see :: Configuration options.

    "mode",                // option name                  [REQUIRED String]
    "author",              // option value1                [REQUIRED String/Boolean]
    function() { ... },    // option value2                [OPTIONAL Function]


option name [REQUIRED String]

A String that specified which option you're defining.

option value1 [REQUIRED String|Boolean]

This parameter is the value you're defining; some options take a String value while others take a Boolean.

Values are comprehensively validated, and any invalid definitions will throw a fatal error that prevents any further use of the library; for a list of possible errors see :: Error messages.

option value2 [OPTIONAL Function]

For one of the config options a second parameter is available, which must be a Function; for details see :: "api".


The init method initializes the library, populating its data cache and making it available for use; it has no return value.

This method is either synchronous or asynchronous, depending on your choice of execution mode; for details and design patterns please see :: Getting data.

    function() { ... }     // callback when complete       [OPTIONAL Function]


callback on completion [OPTIONAL Function]

A Function that will be stored and called once initialization has finished. If you're using an asynchronous execution pattern then the use of this callback may be critical to the way you use the library overall. But regardless of execution mode, the callback will be fired when initialization is complete.

Any callback you pass to this method will be stored for later use, and automatically fired again if automatic re-initialization occurs. This can happen if you use the watch setting to monitor stylesheet switching, which triggers auto-init whenever it detects any disabled state changes. If this happens, whatever was stored the last time you called init manually, will be fired again.

Data methods

The data methods are the meat-and-drink of CSSUtilities, each providing different information about the CSS you're using. This section provides a complete reference of every available method, its arguments, and the data it returns.

CSSUtilities.getCSSRules(element [, media] [, properties] [, altstates] [, oncomplete])

The getCSSRules method finds and returns all the CSS rules that apply to a specified element within specified media, including any that are inherited.

var rules = CSSUtilities.getCSSRules(
    "#heading",            // element reference or ID      [REQUIRED Object|String]
    "screen",              // media context                [OPTIONAL String]
    "selector,css",        // data to accept               [OPTIONAL String]
    false,                 // include alternate states     [OPTIONAL Boolean]
    function() { ... }     // callback when complete       [OPTIONAL Function]


element reference or ID [REQUIRED Object|String]

A reference to the element you wish to check, which can either be an Object reference to the element itself, or a String which is the element's ID plus a leading "#" (like an ID-selector, eg. "#content").

This argument is required will throw an error if undefined.

media context [OPTIONAL String]

A comma-delimited String that specifies which media-types the returned rules should apply to. You can specify "*" for all media, or any valid CSS media types (including "all"); there are also two special values: "none" and "current".

The value "none" means, rules which apply don't apply to any media. The media context evaluation is implemented using each rule's computed media, which may be different from the media-types that were actually defined for it. For example, an "@media all" wrapper nominally applies to all media; but if that wrapper is in a stylesheet included with the media attribute "screen,projection", then the rules inside the @media wrapper actually only apply to "screen" and "projection". This means that some rules may ultimately compute to no media at all, and in that case their media will be listed as "none".

The value "current" refers to whatever media type applies to the current page view. In most situations it will be "screen", but this value dynamically changes to match whatever it is. You can test this out easily in Opera, because it applies "projection" media when it's in Full Screen mode. (Please note: detecting the current view media is not supported in Safari 3 or Konqueror 4; you can still use this feature but you'll always get rules for "screen". Detection may also fail in XML environments, and if so it will also fallback to "screen".)

A value of "all" for this argument does not include "none" — if you want those rules to be included you can specify "all,none" or "*".

CSSUtilities is currently not sensitive to CSS media queries, but neither does it remove them — you cannot specify a media query for this argument, and any queries that form part of a stylesheet's own media definition will be ignored in media-context evaluations; but any such queries are still listed as part of the rule's applicable media types.

So for example, if a rule had the media "screen and (color)", it would be returned for any search where the media-context included "screen", but its media type would still be listed as "screen and (color)". (Please note: there are also some caveats to the library's awareness of media query syntax: comma-delimited queries, those beginning with "not", and those using shorthand syntax like "@media (color)", are all misinterpreted as unique types in their own right, and will therefore only be returned when the media-context is "all" or "*".)

If undefined or empty this argument defaults to "screen".

data to accept [OPTIONAL String]

A comma-delimited String that lists what data you want to returned rules collection to include. Each rule in the returned collection is an Object that includes only the members you specify here — values such as "selector" to include the selector-text of each rule, or "media" to include the media each rule applies to.

You can specify "*" to return all available data, or any of the following members:

  • "selector" (the rule's selector text)
  • "css" (the complete CSS text of the rule)
  • "index" (the rule's overall source index)
  • "specificity" (the specificity of this rule)
  • "inheritance" (the rule's inheritance context)
  • "altstate" (whether this rule applies to an alternate state of the element)
  • "media" (the computed media-types that the rule applies to)
  • "xmedia" (the media-types that the author defined for the rule)
  • "owner" (a representation of the rule's grammatical context)
  • "ssid" (the internal ID of the rule's owning stylesheet in the library's data cache)
  • "href" (the qualified URL of the rule's owning stylesheet)
  • "properties" (the individual CSS properties for this rule, with further information about their status)

You'll find more details about the structure and content of each member in the return value documentation (or follow the individual links).

If undefined or empty this argument defaults to "*" (all available data).

include alternate states [OPTIONAL Boolean]

A Boolean that specifies whether you want the returned data to include rules that only apply to alternate states of the element, such as :hover and :active.

Accordingly, any such rules in the returned data will have their properties marked as status "inactive".

If undefined this argument defaults to false.

callback when complete [OPTIONAL Function]

A Function that will be called once the method has completed. The function will be passed a single argument: the rules array that would otherwise be its return value.

Optional arguments between the required arguments and the callback can be omitted entirely, and their default values will be inserted automatically. As long as the required arguments are there, it doesn't matter how many intermediate optional arguments are missing: the callback can always be the last one. So both syntaxes in the example below are valid and interchangeable:

var rules = CSSUtilities.getCSSRules("#foo", "screen", "*", false, myCallback);

var rules = CSSUtilities.getCSSRules("#foo", myCallback);

This is designed to be used with asynchronous execution, and is sensitive to the initialization state of the library — if init has not been called, or has not finished, the method will wait until it has, and only then fire the specified callback. You can see an example of its use in the Asynchronous with auto-init design pattern.

This argument has no default value if undefined.

Return value [Object (array)]

Return value

The method returns an array of zero or more rules, in order of specificity, each of which is an object-literal containing some or all of the following members, as specified in the accept argument:

"selector" [String]

A String containing the complete selector for this rule (equivalent to the selectorText property).

If the rule has multiple comma-delimited selectors, then the entire selector will normally be returned. But the one exception to this is Internet Explorer when the library is in "browser" mode, in which case the browser's internal CSS parsing splits such rules into multiple individual rules, each with a single selector (eg. a rule with the selector "html,body" would become two rules with "html" and "body").

For a rule object that represents the properties defined in a style attribute, its selector will have the special value "" (empty string).

"css" [String]

A String containing the complete CSS text of the rule (equivalent to the style.cssText property).

"index" [Number]

A Number which is the overall source index of this rule, representing its position in the cascade.

This value is used as part of the library's specificity sorting algorithms, and is also the index of the rule in the library's data cache (which stores rules in cascade order).

"specificity" [Object (array)]

An array of four numbers that expresses the relative specificity of this rule, with respect to its inheritance context.

The array is in order of specificity categories, from highest (values in the style attribute) to lowest (simple element selectors), as defined in the CSS3 specification. Since this value is contextual, any inherited rule will therefore have zero specificity and return the value [0,0,0,0].

There's more about specificity in the getCSSSelectorSpecificity method documentation.

"inheritance" [Object (array)]

An array of Element references that represents this instance of this rule's inheritance path, in order of DOM traversal.

So for inherited rules, the last member of the array will always be the parentNode of the element specified in the original query. For example, if the specified element is an <h1> which is a direct child of <body>, then an inherited rule with the selector "html" would have the inheritance array [[HTMLHtmlElement], [HTMLBodyElement]];

Inherited rules may in fact appear multiple times in a returned data set, each time with a progressively deeper inheritance path, denoting that the rule is inherited through, and applies to, multiple intermediate elements.

For non-inherited rules rules then, this array will always be empty.

"altstate" [Boolean]

A Boolean that indicates whether this rule applies only to an alternate state of the element, such as :hover or :active.

Such rules are only included in the returned data at all if the altstates argument is set to true, and will furthermore have their properties marked as status "inactive".

"media" [String]

A String containing the computed media-types that this rule applies to, comma-delimited if more than one type applies. If a rule applies to all media this will have the value "all"; if it applies to no media it will have the value "none".

This is a computed value — it returns only those types that the rule actually applies to, which may be different from the media that were originally specified for it. There's more info about that in the media context argument documentation.

"xmedia" [String]

A String containing the media-types that were originally specified for the rule, which may be different from its computed media. Depending on how the rule was included, this might be the media specified in an @media statement, or added to the end of an @import, or specified in the media attribute of a <link> element.

This data is only available in author mode, and does not form part of any media context evaluation. However it may be useful for comparison, or for re-creating the original CSS source-code for a set of rules.

"owner" [String]

A String that represents the immediate grammatical context of this rule, according to what surrounds it and how the stylesheet that contains it was included. It will be one of the following fixed values:

  • "style" (a rule inside a <style> block)
  • "link" (a rule inside a stylesheet that was included using a <link> element)
  • "xml-stylesheet" (a rule inside a stylesheet that was included using an <?xml-stylesheet?> processing instruction)
  • "@import" (a rule inside a stylesheet that was included using an @import statement)
  • "@media" (a rule inside an @media block)
  • "@style" (a rule defined using a style attribute in markup)
"ssid" [Number]

A Number which is the internal ID of this rule's owning stylesheet within the library's data cache.

The value represents the order in which the stylesheet includes occur — that is, the source-order of the elements or @import statements that declare them — which may differ from the source-order of the rules inside them, because of the way the cascade works (rules inside imported stylesheets come before the rules in their parent).

For a rule that represents the element's style attribute, this will be Infinity.

"href" [String|Object]

A String which is the qualified URL of this rule's owning stylesheet. This will always be a fully-qualified address, irrespective of the syntax that was originally used.

If the stylesheet has no URL (like a rule inside a <style> block) then this will be null.

"properties" [Object]

An Object containing the individual CSS properties for this rule, extracted from its css text, and indexed by property name. Each member of the object is a further object, which has two members listing the "value" and "status" of the property, for example:

    "color":        { "value": "#333",  "status": "active"     },
    "font-weight":  { "value": "bold",  "status": "cancelled"  },
    "border":       { "value": "none",  "status": "active"     }

The status property will be one of the following fixed values:

  • "active" (the property applies to the rule)
  • "cancelled" (the property has been cancelled-out by another definition with higher specificity)
  • "inactive" (the property only applies to an alternate state of the element, such as :hover)

If you're working in "browser" mode, this object may contain many more properties than you're expecting, because of the action of browser normalization — browsers converting CSS property definitions to a different syntax, for their own convenience — Internet Explorer, for example, splits-out margin and padding shorthands into their component longhand definitions; Opera does the same thing with border. You may also notice changes in units and values, such as hex colors converted to RGB in Firefox.

If the rule has no properties which apply to the specified element (ie. an inherited rule has no inheritable properties, or a direct rule has no properties at all), then this object will be null.

If the attributes option is set to true, and the specified element has a non-empty style attribute, then the returned array will also include a special rule object containing the properties defined in that attribute.

The array is sorted in order of specificity, from lowest to highest; where multiple rules have the same specificity value then they're sorted in order of source index (thereby maintaining an overall specificity order). If multiple rules with the same specificity also have the same source index (such as a rule with multiple, comma-delimited selectors), then they're sorted in traversal order of inheritance depth (ie. "html" before "body").

If there are no rules for the specified element and media, this method will return an empty array.

CSSUtilities.getCSSProperties(element [, media] [, oncomplete])

The getCSSProperties method lists all the CSS properties that apply to a specified element within specified media.

var properties = CSSUtilities.getCSSProperties(
    "#heading",            // element reference or ID      [REQUIRED Object|String]
    "screen",              // media context                [OPTIONAL String]
    function() { ... }     // callback when complete       [OPTIONAL Function]


element reference or ID [REQUIRED Object|String]

A reference to the element you wish to check, which can either be an Object reference to the element itself, or a String which is the element's ID plus a leading "#" (like an ID-selector, eg. "#content").

This argument is required will throw an error if undefined.

media context [OPTIONAL String]

A comma-delimited String that specifies which media-types the returned properties should apply to. You can specify "*" for all media, or any valid CSS media types (including "all"); there are also two special values: "none" and "current".

The value "none" means, rules which apply don't apply to any media. The media context evaluation is implemented using each rule's computed media, which may be different from the media-types that were actually defined for it. For example, an "@media all" wrapper nominally applies to all media; but if that wrapper is in a stylesheet included with the media attribute "screen,projection", then the rules inside the @media wrapper actually only apply to "screen" and "projection". This means that some rules may ultimately compute to no media at all, and in that case their media will be listed as "none".

The value "current" refers to whatever media type applies to the current page view. In most situations it will be "screen", but this value dynamically changes to match whatever it is. You can test this out easily in Opera, because it applies "projection" media when it's in Full Screen mode. (Please note: detecting the current view media is not supported in Safari 3 or Konqueror 4; you can still use this feature but you'll always get rules for "screen". Detection may also fail in XML environments, and if so it will also fallback to "screen".)

A value of "all" for this argument does not include "none" — if you want those rules to be included you can specify "all,none" or "*".

CSSUtilities is currently not sensitive to CSS media queries, but neither does it remove them — you cannot specify a media query for this argument, and any queries that form part of a stylesheet's own media definition will be ignored in media-context evaluations; but any such queries are still listed as part of the rule's applicable media types.

So for example, if a rule had the media "screen and (color)", it would be returned for any search where the media-context included "screen", but its media type would still be listed as "screen and (color)". (Please note: there are also some caveats to the library's awareness of media query syntax: comma-delimited queries, those beginning with "not", and those using shorthand syntax like "@media (color)", are all misinterpreted as unique types in their own right, and will therefore only be returned when the media-context is "all" or "*".)

If undefined or empty this argument defaults to "screen".

callback when complete [OPTIONAL Function]

A Function that will be called once the method has completed. The function will be passed a single argument: the properties Object that would otherwise be its return value.

Optional arguments between the required arguments and the callback can be omitted entirely, and their default values will be inserted automatically. As long as the required arguments are there, it doesn't matter how many intermediate optional arguments are missing: the callback can always be the last one. So both syntaxes in the example below are valid and interchangeable:

var properties = CSSUtilities.getCSSProperties("#foo", "screen", myCallback);

var properties = CSSUtilities.getCSSProperties("#foo", myCallback);

This is designed to be used with asynchronous execution, and is sensitive to the initialization state of the library — if init has not been called, or has not finished, the method will wait until it has, and only then fire the specified callback. You can see an example of its use in the Asynchronous with auto-init design pattern.

This argument has no default value if undefined.

Return value [Object (array)]

Return value

The method returns an Object of one or more CSS properties, each of which is a String value indexed by its String property name, for example:

    "color": "#333 !important",
    "font-weight": "bold",
    "border": "none"

Only properties which actually apply to the element now are included in the data returned by this method; properties which have been cancelled out by others with higher specificity, or which only apply to alternate states of the element, will not be included (if you want that data you should use the getCSSRules method instead).

The data will include any active properties from the element's style attribute, if the "attributes" option is set to true.

If there are no properties for the specified element and media, this method will return null.

CSSUtilities.getCSSSelectors(element [, media] [, directonly] [, oncomplete])

The getCSSSelectors method lists all the individual CSS selectors that apply to a specified element within specified media; either only those which select the element explicitly, or also those which select an ancestor it can inherit from.

var selectors = CSSUtilities.getCSSSelectors(
    "#heading",            // element reference or ID      [REQUIRED Object|String]
    "screen",              // media context                [OPTIONAL String]
    true,                  // direct selectors only        [OPTIONAL Boolean]
    function() { ... }     // callback when complete       [OPTIONAL Function]


element reference or ID [REQUIRED Object|String]

A reference to the element you wish to check, which can either be an Object reference to the element itself, or a String which is the element's ID plus a leading "#" (like an ID-selector, eg. "#content").

This argument is required will throw an error if undefined.

media context [OPTIONAL String]

A comma-delimited String that specifies which media-types the returned selectors should apply to. You can specify "*" for all media, or any valid CSS media types (including "all"); there are also two special values: "none" and "current".

The value "none" means, rules which apply don't apply to any media. The media context evaluation is implemented using each rule's computed media, which may be different from the media-types that were actually defined for it. For example, an "@media all" wrapper nominally applies to all media; but if that wrapper is in a stylesheet included with the media attribute "screen,projection", then the rules inside the @media wrapper actually only apply to "screen" and "projection". This means that some rules may ultimately compute to no media at all, and in that case their media will be listed as "none".

The value "current" refers to whatever media type applies to the current page view. In most situations it will be "screen", but this value dynamically changes to match whatever it is. You can test this out easily in Opera, because it applies "projection" media when it's in Full Screen mode. (Please note: detecting the current view media is not supported in Safari 3 or Konqueror 4; you can still use this feature but you'll always get rules for "screen". Detection may also fail in XML environments, and if so it will also fallback to "screen".)

A value of "all" for this argument does not include "none" — if you want those rules to be included you can specify "all,none" or "*".

CSSUtilities is currently not sensitive to CSS media queries, but neither does it remove them — you cannot specify a media query for this argument, and any queries that form part of a stylesheet's own media definition will be ignored in media-context evaluations; but any such queries are still listed as part of the rule's applicable media types.

So for example, if a rule had the media "screen and (color)", it would be returned for any search where the media-context included "screen", but its media type would still be listed as "screen and (color)". (Please note: there are also some caveats to the library's awareness of media query syntax: comma-delimited queries, those beginning with "not", and those using shorthand syntax like "@media (color)", are all misinterpreted as unique types in their own right, and will therefore only be returned when the media-context is "all" or "*".)

If undefined or empty this argument defaults to "screen".

direct selectors only [OPTIONAL Boolean]

A Boolean that specifies whether you only want selectors which explicitly select the element you're referring to (true), or you also want those which select an ancestor it can inherit from (false).

So for example, given this list of selectors:

  • html
  • html > body
  • body h1
  • h1:not([id="xxx"])

A selectors search for the <h1> element with a value of true for this argument would only return the last two selectors; but with a value of false it would return all four.

If undefined this argument defaults to true.

callback when complete [OPTIONAL Function]

A Function that will be called once the method has completed. The function will be passed a single argument: the selectors array that would otherwise be its return value.

Optional arguments between the required arguments and the callback can be omitted entirely, and their default values will be inserted automatically. As long as the required arguments are there, it doesn't matter how many intermediate optional arguments are missing: the callback can always be the last one. So both syntaxes in the example below are valid and interchangeable:

var selectors = CSSUtilities.getCSSSelectors("#foo", "screen", true, myCallback);

var selectors = CSSUtilities.getCSSSelectors("#foo", myCallback);

This is designed to be used with asynchronous execution, and is sensitive to the initialization state of the library — if init has not been called, or has not finished, the method will wait until it has, and only then fire the specified callback. You can see an example of its use in the Asynchronous with auto-init design pattern.

This argument has no default value if undefined.

Return value [Object (array)]

Return value

The method returns an array of zero or more selectors, each of which is a String CSS selector, trimmed of leading or trailing whitespace.

The method will return every selector that applies to the element, including those that only apply to alternate states, such as :hover and :focus. But it won't return pseudo-element selectors, because they don't actually apply to the element.

If a single matching rule has multiple comma-delimited selectors, such as "html,body" then these will be split and returned separately; so in that example you'd get two selectors, "html" and "body". But if only some of the individual selectors apply to the specified element or its ancestors, then only those which apply will be returned.

If there are no selectors for the specified element and media, this method will return an empty array.

CSSUtilities.getCSSSelectorSpecificity(selector [, element] [, oncomplete])

The getCSSSelectorSpecificity method tells you the specificity of any CSS selector, either as an absolute value, or relative to an element reference.

var specificity = CSSUtilities.getCSSSelectorSpecificity(
    "body > div",          // selector text                [REQUIRED String]
    "#heading",            // element reference or ID      [OPTIONAL Object|String]
    function() { ... }     // callback when complete       [OPTIONAL Function]


selector text [REQUIRED String]

A String that is the CSS selector you want to test.

You can only pass one selector at a time to this method, it can't accept multiple comma-delimited selectors and will throw the multiple selectors error if you try.

element reference or ID [OPTIONAL Object|String]

An optional reference to a context element against which the selector should be evaluated. This can either be an Object reference to the element itself, or a String which is the element's ID plus a leading "#" (like an ID-selector, eg. "#content").

If you omit this argument or it's null, then the value you get back from this method will be that selector's absolute specificity, ie. its specificity calculated purely from the syntax of the selector. For example, the selector "div#content > p" has a specificity of [0,1,0,2], since it contains one ID selector and two element-type selectors.

But if do you pass an element reference here, the value you get back will be relative to that element: so if the selector in question explicitly selects the element, you'll still get an absolute specificity; if it doesn't select the element but does select one of its ancestors, you'll get an inherited specificity, which is always [0,0,0,0]; if it doesn't select the element or any if its ancestors, you'll get null.

If undefined this argument defaults to null.

callback when complete [OPTIONAL Function]

A Function that will be called once the method has completed. The function will be passed a single argument: the specificity array that would otherwise be its return value.

Optional arguments between the required arguments and the callback can be omitted entirely, and their default values will be inserted automatically. As long as the required arguments are there, it doesn't matter how many intermediate optional arguments are missing: the callback can always be the last one. So both syntaxes in the example below are valid and interchangeable:

var selectors = CSSUtilities.getCSSSelectorSpecificity("body > div", null, myCallback);

var selectors = CSSUtilities.getCSSSelectorSpecificity("body > div", myCallback);

This is designed to be used with asynchronous execution, and is sensitive to the initialization state of the library — if init has not been called, or has not finished, the method will wait until it has, and only then fire the specified callback. You can see an example of its use in the Asynchronous with auto-init design pattern.

This argument has no default value if undefined.

Return value [Object (array)]

Return value

The method returns an array with exactly four members, each of which is a Number representing the value of a specificity score group (as defined in CSS3 from a root specification in CSS2.1). From highest to lowest, these are:

  1. The style attribute
  2. ID selectors
  3. Class selectors, attribute selectors and pseudo-classes
  4. Element-type selectors and pseudo-elements

Specificity values work in an infinite number base: if you start with a value of 1119 and add 1 to the final digit, you don't get 1120, you get 111A (ie. 1-1-1-10).

The point is that a value in one specificity group can never equal or overtake a value in a higher group. Or to put that in CSS terms, no amount of element-types selectors can ever have more specificity than just one ID selector.

It's impractical then to document specificity values as single numbers at all, because of the number base they operate in — it makes much more sense to document them as arrays. To cite the earlier example again, if you start with [1,1,1,9] and add 1 to the final digit, then obviously you'll get [1,1,1,10].

So, this method returns an array of four digits. If you specified an element for the second argument, and the specified selector selects one of its ancestors but not the element itself, this method will return [0,0,0,0]. If the specified selector doesn't select the element nor any of its ancestors, this method will return null.

CSSUtilities.getCSSStyleSheetRules([media] [, accept] [, ssid] [, oncomplete])

The getCSSStyleSheetRules method returns all the rules in the library's data cache (ie. all the rules that apply to the current page), within specified media, and/or from a specified stylesheet. If all media and all stylesheets are specified, this method will return the entire data cache.

var rules = CSSUtilities.getCSSStyleSheetRules(
    "screen",              // media context                [OPTIONAL String]
    "selector,css",        // properties to accept         [OPTIONAL String]
    -1,                    // single stylesheet ID         [OPTIONAL Number]
    function() { ... }     // callback when complete       [OPTIONAL Function]


media context [OPTIONAL String]

A comma-delimited String that specifies which media-types the returned rules should apply to. You can specify "*" for all media, or any valid CSS media types (including "all"); there are also two special values: "none" and "current".

The value "none" means, rules which apply don't apply to any media. The media context evaluation is implemented using each rule's computed media, which may be different from the media-types that were actually defined for it. For example, an "@media all" wrapper nominally applies to all media; but if that wrapper is in a stylesheet included with the media attribute "screen,projection", then the rules inside the @media wrapper actually only apply to "screen" and "projection". This means that some rules may ultimately compute to no media at all, and in that case their media will be listed as "none".

The value "current" refers to whatever media type applies to the current page view. In most situations it will be "screen", but this value dynamically changes to match whatever it is. You can test this out easily in Opera, because it applies "projection" media when it's in Full Screen mode. (Please note: detecting the current view media is not supported in Safari 3 or Konqueror 4; you can still use this feature but you'll always get rules for "screen". Detection may also fail in XML environments, and if so it will also fallback to "screen".)

A value of "all" for this argument does not include "none" — if you want those rules to be included you can specify "all,none" or "*".

CSSUtilities is currently not sensitive to CSS media queries, but neither does it remove them — you cannot specify a media query for this argument, and any queries that form part of a stylesheet's own media definition will be ignored in media-context evaluations; but any such queries are still listed as part of the rule's applicable media types.

So for example, if a rule had the media "screen and (color)", it would be returned for any search where the media-context included "screen", but its media type would still be listed as "screen and (color)". (Please note: there are also some caveats to the library's awareness of media query syntax: comma-delimited queries, those beginning with "not", and those using shorthand syntax like "@media (color)", are all misinterpreted as unique types in their own right, and will therefore only be returned when the media-context is "all" or "*".)

If undefined or empty this argument defaults to "screen".

data to accept [OPTIONAL String]

A comma-delimited String that lists what data you want to returned rules collection to include. Each rule in the returned collection is an Object that includes only the members you specify here — values such as "selector" to include the selector-text of each rule, or "media" to include the media each rule applies to.

Note that this argument has a different range of values than the corresponding argument in the getCSSRules method; it does work in the same way though —

You can specify "*" to return all available data, or any of the following members:

  • "selector" (the rule's selector text)
  • "css" (the complete CSS text of the rule)
  • "media" (the computed media-types that the rule applies to)
  • "xmedia" (the media-types that the author defined for the rule)
  • "owner" (a representation of the rule's grammatical context)
  • "href" (the qualified URL of the rule's owning stylesheet)
  • "ssid" (the internal ID of the rule's owning stylesheet in the library's data cache)
  • "index" (the index of this rule in the library's data cache)
  • "properties" (the individual CSS properties for this rule)

You'll find more details about the structure and content of each member in the return value documentation (or follow the individual links).

If undefined or empty this argument defaults to "*" (all available data).

single stylesheet ID [OPTIONAL Number]

A Number which with you can specify that you're only interested in rules from one specific stylesheet.

The number itself refers to the internal ssid (StyleSheet ID) of the stylesheet, which can be found as the ssid property of each stylesheet returned by getCSSStyleSheets(), or each rule returned by getCSSRules() (for its owning stylesheet). If you refer to an ssid that doesn't exist, you'll get an invalid ssid error.

If undefined, this argument defaults to -1, which means all stylesheets.

callback when complete [OPTIONAL Function]

A Function that will be called once the method has completed. The function will be passed a single argument: the rules array that would otherwise be its return value.

Optional arguments before the callback can be omitted entirely, and their default values will be inserted automatically. It doesn't matter how many intermediate optional arguments are missing: the callback can always be the last one. So both syntaxes in the example below are valid and interchangeable:

var rules = CSSUtilities.getCSSStyleSheetRules("screen", "*", -1, myCallback);

var rules = CSSUtilities.getCSSStyleSheetRules(myCallback);

This is designed to be used with asynchronous execution, and is sensitive to the initialization state of the library — if init has not been called, or has not finished, the method will wait until it has, and only then fire the specified callback. You can see an example of its use in the Asynchronous with auto-init design pattern.

This argument has no default value if undefined.

Return value [Object (array)]

Return value

The method returns an array of zero or more rules, in cascade order, each member of which is an Object that contains some or all of the following members (as specified in the accept argument):

"selector" [String]

A String containing the complete selector for this rule (equivalent to the selectorText property).

If the rule has multiple comma-delimited selectors, then the entire selector will normally be returned. But the one exception to this is Internet Explorer when the library is in "browser" mode, in which case the browser's internal CSS parsing splits such rules into multiple individual rules, each with a single selector (eg. a rule with the selector "html,body" would become two rules with "html" and "body").

"css" [String]

A String containing the complete CSS text of the rule (equivalent to the style.cssText property).

"media" [String]

A String containing the computed media-types that this rule applies to, comma-delimited if more than one type applies. If a rule applies to all media this will have the value "all"; if it applies to no media it will have the value "none".

This is a computed value — it returns only those types that the rule actually applies to, which may be different from the media that were originally specified for it. There's more info about that in the media context argument documentation.

"xmedia" [String]

A String containing the media-types that were originally specified for the rule, which may be different from its computed media. Depending on how the rule was included, this might be the media specified in an @media statement, or added to the end of an @import, or specified in the media attribute of a <link> element.

This data is only available in author mode, and does not form part of any media context evaluation. However it may be useful for comparison, or for re-creating the original CSS source-code for a set of rules.

"owner" [String]

A String that represents the immediate grammatical context of this rule, according to what surrounds it and how the stylesheet that contains it was included. It will be one of the following fixed values:

  • "style" (a rule inside a <style> block)
  • "link" (a rule inside a stylesheet that was included using a <link> element)
  • "xml-stylesheet" (a rule inside a stylesheet that was included using an <?xml-stylesheet?> processing instruction)
  • "@import" (a rule inside a stylesheet that was included using an @import statement)
  • "@media" (a rule inside an @media block)
"href" [String|Object]

A String which is the qualified URL of this rule's owning stylesheet. This will always be a fully-qualified address, irrespective of the syntax that was originally used.

If the stylesheet has no URL (like a rule inside a <style> block) then this will be null.

"ssid" [Number]

A Number which is the internal ID of this rule's owning stylesheet within the library's data cache.

The value represents the order in which the stylesheet includes occur — that is, the source-order of the elements or @import statements that declare them — which may differ from the source-order of the rules inside them, because of the way the cascade works (rules inside imported stylesheets come before the rules in their parent).

For a rule that represents the element's style attribute, this will be Infinity.

"index" [Number]

A Number which is the index of this rule in the library's data cache.

This value is used as part of the library's specificity sorting algorithms, and is also the rule's overall source index, and therefore its position in the cascade.

"properties" [Object]

An Object containing the individual CSS properties for this rule, extracted from its css text, and indexed in name/value pairs (the same format returned by the getCSSProperties method), for example:

    "color": "#333 !important",
    "font-weight": "bold",
    "border": "none"

If you're working in "browser" mode, this object may contain many more properties than you're expecting, because of the action of browser normalization — browsers converting CSS property definitions to a different syntax, for their own convenience — Internet Explorer, for example, splits-out margin and padding shorthands into their component longhand definitions; Opera does the same thing with border. You may also notice changes in units and values, such as hex colors converted to RGB in Firefox.

This object will contain all the properties defined for this rule, with no further information about which are active, inactive or cancelled (if you want that information you should use the getCSSRules method for a specific element).

If there are no properties defined for this rule, this object will be null.

Properties defined in style attributes are not included in the rules returned by this method (if you want that information you should use the getCSSRules method for a specific element).

If no rules have been defined for the page, this method will return an empty array.


The getCSSStyleSheets method returns all the stylesheets in the library's data cache (ie. all the stylesheets that apply to the page). This method is primarily intended to provide control data, and lists every stylesheet reference found during initialization, whether or not any useful data was ultimately retrieved from it.

var stylesheets = CSSUtilities.getCSSStyleSheets(
    function() { ... }     // callback when complete       [OPTIONAL Function]


callback when complete [OPTIONAL Function]

A Function that will be called once the method has completed. The function will be passed a single argument: the stylesheets array that would otherwise be its return value.

This is designed to be used with asynchronous execution, and is sensitive to the initialization state of the library — if init has not been called, or has not finished, the method will wait until it has, and only then fire the specified callback. You can see an example of its use in the Asynchronous with auto-init design pattern.

This argument has no default value if undefined.

Return value [Object (array)]

Return value

The method returns an array of zero or more stylesheets, in order of occurence, each member of which is an object-literal with the following members:

"ssid" [Number]

A Number which is the internal ID of this stylesheet.

The value represents the order in which the stylesheet includes occur — that is, the source-order of the elements or @import statements that declare them — which may differ from the source-order of the rules inside them, because of the way the cascade works (rules inside imported stylesheets come before the rules in their parent).

"href" [String|Object]

A String which is the stylesheet's qualified URL. This will always be a fully-qualified address, irrespective of the syntax that was originally used.

If the stylesheet has no URL (like with a <style> block) then this will be null.

"owner" [String]

A String that represents this stylesheet's immediate grammatical context, according to how it was created or included. It will be one of the following fixed values:

  • "style" (a stylesheet created as a <style> block)
  • "link" (a stylesheet included with a <link> element)
  • "xml-stylesheet" (a stylesheet included with an <?xml-stylesheet?> processing instruction)
  • "@import" (a stylesheet included with an @import statement)
"media" [String]

A String containing the computed media-types that this stylesheet applies to, comma-delimited if more than one type applies. If a stylesheet applies to all media this will have the value "all"; if it applies to no media it will have the value "none".

This is a computed value — it returns only those types that the rule actually applies to, which may be different from the media that were originally specified for it. For example, an ordinary "@import" statement nominally applies to all media; but if that import is in a stylesheet included with the media attribute "screen,projection", then the rules inside the imported stylesheet actually only apply to "screen" and "projection". This of course means that some stylesheets may ultimately compute to no media at all, and in that case their media will be listed as "none".

"xmedia" [String]

A String containing the media-types that were originally specified for the stylesheet, which may be different from its computed media. Depending on how the stylesheet was included, this might be the media added to the end of an @import statement, or specified in the media attribute of a <link> element.

This data is only available in author mode. It may be useful for comparison, or for re-creating the original source-code declaring the stylesheet.

"stylesheet" or "stylenode" [Object]

In browser mode this property will be called "stylesheet", and is a reference to the actual CSSStyleSheet object. This reference can be used to probe into the stylesheet's CSS DOM as far as you wish, but of course what you find there will vary significantly by browser and implementation.

In author mode this property will be called "stylenode", and is a reference to the top-level node that included this stylesheet, such as a <link> element or an <?xml-stylesheet?> processing instruction. In most cases this will be the owning element of the stylesheet itself, but for stylesheets included using an @import statement, it will be the owning element of the import's parent stylesheet (or keep checking upwards until we find a node).

"rules" [Number]

A Number which is the total number of valid rules extracted from this stylesheet and saved to the data cache.

This may not be exactly the same as the actual number of rules defined in the stylesheet, for a few possible reasons. One reason is that Internet Explorer in "browser" mode splits-up rules that have multiple selectors into multiple rules, each with a single selector. Another is that disabled stylesheets are not usually parsed (unless the "watch" setting is null), and will therefore return zero rules.

"message" [String]

A String which is a short message describing the result of the parsing operation on this stylesheet. If everything went okay this will simply say "OK", otherwise it will be one of the data-retrieval and parsing error messages listed below.

If no stylesheets have been defined for the page, this method will return an empty array.

Error messages

CSSUtilities provides comprehensive error-trapping and reporting; you may encounter custom errors that are thrown while using its methods, or as messages in the returned data itself.

Execution errors

Execution errors are those caused by incorrect usage or missing resources, and are thrown to the browser's error console as soon as they occur; in most cases these errors are fatal and will prevent any further use.

CSSUtilities (Fatal Error): The specified mode is not valid

Thrown by the define method for an invalid definition of "mode".

CSSUtilities (Fatal Error): The specified async setting is not valid

Thrown by the define method for an invalid definition of "async".

CSSUtilities (Fatal Error): The specified document is not a Document

Thrown by the define method for an invalid definition of "page".

CSSUtilities (Fatal Error): The specified base is not an absolute URL

Thrown by the define method for an invalid definition of "base".

CSSUtilities (Fatal Error): The specified attributes setting is not valid

Thrown by the define method for an invalid definition of "attributes".

CSSUtilities (Fatal Error): The specified watch setting is not valid

Thrown by the define method for an invalid definition of "watch".

CSSUtilities (Fatal Error): The specified api settings are not valid

Thrown by the define method for an invalid definition of "api".

CSSUtilities (Fatal Error): Your Selectors API is not returning the right data

Thrown by the define method after testing the wrapper defined for an external Selectors API if it fails to return either an array or a NodeList.

CSSUtilities (Fatal Error): The Selectors API is missing

Thrown by the internal getElementsBySelector method if the bundled Selectors API (Selector.js) is called and found to be missing.

CSSUtilities (Fatal Error): You cannot define "[option]" after "api", it must be defined first

Thrown by the define method if you attempt to define "base" or "page" after having defined "api", because they have to be defined first. The error message will include the name of the option in question (eg. You cannot define "base" after "api" ...).

CSSUtilities (Fatal Error): Unable to communicate with the network

Thrown by the internal ajaxload method if it's unable to instantiate any network requests (most likely because no connection is available).

CSSUtilities.[method name] has an invalid element reference

Thrown by the getCSSRules, getCSSProperties, getCSSSelectors or getCSSSelectorSpecificity method if the element argument is neither a valid element nor the ID of a valid element. The error message will include the name of the calling method (eg. CSSUtilities.getCSSRules has ...).

CSSUtilities.getCSSSelectorSpecificity requires a valid Selector reference

Thrown by the getCSSSelectorSpecificity method if the selector argument is invalid (eg. empty or undefined).

CSSUtilities.getCSSSelectorSpecificity can only process one selector at a time

Thrown by the getCSSSelectorSpecificity method if the selector argument contains multiple comma-delimited selectors, instead of just one.

CSSUtilities.getCSSStyleSheetRules has an invalid Stylesheet ID

Thrown by the getCSSStyleSheetRules method if the ssid argument is specified but invalid.

Data-retrieval and parsing errors

These refer to problems the script encountered while loading and parsing stylesheets during initialization, and are silently handled and recorded; any such messages are subsequently included in the message data returned by the getCSSStyleSheets method.

Network Failure or Security Violation

The library attempted to request a stylesheet but the request failed, either because of network problems, or because it violated the same-origin policy, but it isn't known which.

Network Failure

The library attempted to request a stylesheet, but the request failed because of network problems.

Security Violation

The library attempted to request a stylesheet, but the request failed because it violated the same-origin policy.

Data is not CSS

The library requested a stylesheet but the returned data had a MIME-type that was not "text/css".

[HTTP Errors]

The library requested a stylesheet but the request returned an identifiable HTTP error, such as 404 Not Found.

Unspecified Error

The library attempted to parse a stylesheet but failed for an unknown reason.

Discarded Duplicate

The library identified a stylesheet with exactly the same URL as another in its existing data set, and therefore disabled that stylesheet and ignored its rules. (Duplicates have to be disabled to prevent the possibility of infinite recursion.)

Stylesheet is disabled

The library identified a stylesheet that was already disabled, and determined that its rules should not be included because they don't apply to the current view. (In most cases this will be because it's an alternate stylesheet that's current inactive; monitoring changes caused by stylesheet switching is controlled by the "watch" setting.)

Unsupported node type

The library was unable to parse a stylesheet because it used an include method that the browser doesn't fully support. (This will only ever happen in Safari 3 with <?xml-stylesheet?> processing instructions, because it doesn't support the necessary pseudo-attributes.)

General specifications

The following is a technical breakdown of the language constructs and specifications that CSSUtilities supports, and those that it notably doesn't support:

CSSUtilities can load and extract data from the following sources:
  • by reading stylesheets in the document.styleSheets collection
  • by loading stylesheets directly from their source elements, for which all forms of stylesheet include are supported — <link> elements, <style> elements, <?xml-stylesheet?> processing instructions, @import statements in other stylesheets, and style attributes in markup
  • from documents which are HTML, XHTML, or any other form of XML
  • from physical source documents, or from virtualized DOMs such as the responseXML of an Ajax request
The library can parse and understand the following language constructs, both in standard implementations up to and including CSS3, and the proprietary implementations of Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8:
  • all selectors, pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements (except namespaced selectors)
  • all properties, with or without host-browser normalization
  • all shorthands and the longhands they represent
  • all static media types
  • all inheritable properties
  • specificity calculation
  • source index
  • !important rules
  • @media statements
  • @import statements, including validation of their source position
It does not understand the following constructs, and will either ignore them, or remove them from its data cache at initialization:
  • @font-face (they don't affect the library's functionality and are ignored)
  • @charset (likewise ignored)
  • @namespace (declarations are ignored; namespaced selectors are not supported and will be treated according to their literal syntax)
  • media queries (they're preserved in recorded media-types, but do not form part of any media-context evaluation)
  • vendor-specific pseudo-classes or pseudo-elements (eg. ::-moz-focus-inner, which are therefore not included in specificity calculations)

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Developer’s Guide

  1. Setup and Configuration
  2. Functions Reference [this page]

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(Redundent Selectors API)
© 2009


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