
Published books I've written

These are the books I've written or contributed to:

Build Your Own Firefox Add-On
e-Book | Published July 2009

If you want to build custom extensions for Firefox, then this is the book for you! With a little JavaScript know-how, author James Edwards will show you just how straightforward it is to build your own Firefox add-ons.

One of the main reasons for the explosive and continued popularity of Firefox is its framework for custom extensions. What many web developers don't realise is that they're so easy to create and implement — anyone with a minimal understanding of JavaScript and XML can build a Firefox add-on. After reading Build Your Own Firefox Add-On, you'll be able create simple Firefox extensions with extremely powerful functionality.

The Ultimate JavaScript Reference
Book + Website | In progress

The JavaScript Ultimate Reference is an ongoing project to create the most comprehensive and up-to-date reference for JavaScript programming, anywhere on the web or in print.

The JavaScript Reference is a complement to the already-published HTML Reference, by Ian Lloyd, and the CSS Reference, by Tommy Olsson and Paul O'Brien. But since the finished JavaScript Reference will be so much larger than the others, and will therefore take significantly longer to write, we decided to publish the material in sections rather than wait for the whole thing to be finished, so that we can get the information out there and helping people as soon as possible.

The Art & Science of JavaScript
Book | Published January 2008

The Art & Science of JavaScript assembles seven of the greatest minds in modern JavaScript to teach you the most inspirational techniques you'll ever use.

From creating impressive mashups and stunning, dynamic graphics, to more subtle user-experience enhancements, you're about to be amazed by the true potential of this powerful language. You won't find a better line-up of JavaScript experts. Between the seven authors you'll already find loads of books, a huge list of achievements and years upon years of dedication to JavaScript. If your wondering how they program JavaScript in heaven, you've just found the stairway.

The JavaScript Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks
Book | Published August 2006

The JavaScript Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks provides you with tried and tested real-world solutions to your web scripting problems.

Following the same format as SitePoint's hugely popular CSS Anthology, this is the most complete question-and-answer book on JavaScript. It's a collection of over 100 thoroughly-tested, customizable and elegant solutions that will show you how to add usable and accessible interactivity to your site: from slick drop-down menus, to style sheet switchers, to AJAX applications, and much more.

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[brothercake] a round peg in a square hole, that still fits